Understanding Hex and RGB Color Models
Hexadecimal (Hex): A Hex color code is a 6-character string that starts with a #. It is
composed of three 2-character pairs representing the Red, Green, and Blue components. Each pair is a
hexadecimal value (from 00 to FF), which corresponds to values between 0 and 255 in decimal.
- FF represents the Red component.
- 57 represents the Green component.
- 33 represents the Blue component.
RGB (Red, Green, Blue): The RGB color model represents a color using three values
corresponding to the intensity of Red, Green, and
Blue. Each component can range from 0 to 255.
rgb(255, 87, 51)
- 255 is the intensity of Red.
- 87 is the intensity of Green.
- 51 is the intensity of Blue.
Steps to Convert Hex to RGB
To convert Hex to RGB, follow these steps:
- Remove the '#' character: The Hex code starts with a #, so remove it for easier manipulation.
- Split the Hex code into three parts: Divide the Hex code into three pairs, each representing the
Red, Green, and Blue
- The first two characters represent the Red component.
- The next two characters represent the Green component.
- The last two characters represent the Blue component.
Convert the Hex values to Decimal: Convert each of the three Hex pairs from hexadecimal to decimal
(base 10).
Output the RGB value: Combine the decimal values to form the RGB format.
Example Conversion
Consider the Hex code #FF5733.
- Remove the '#': FF5733
- Split the Hex code into three parts:
- Red: FF
- Green: 57
- Blue: 33
- Convert each pair from Hex to Decimal:
- Red: FF in Hex = 255 in Decimal.
- Green: 57 in Hex = 87 in Decimal.
- Blue: 33 in Hex = 51 in Decimal.
- Resulting RGB value rgb(255, 87, 51)