What is RGB
RGB is a color model used for digital screens. It creates colors by combining three primary colors of
light: Red, Green and Blue. Each component’s intensity ranges from 0 to 255, allowing for a wide range
of colors. Examples include:
0 means no light of that color is emitted (black).
255 means the maximum intensity of that color.
For Instance:
- RGB(255, 0, 0) represents pure red.
- RGB(0, 255, 0) represents pure green.
- RGB(0, 0, 255) represents pure blue.
- RGB(0, 0, 0) represents pure Black.
- RGB(255, 255, 255) represents pure White.
What is CMYK?
CMYK is a color model used in printing, based on subtractive color mixing:
- Cyan (C): A blue-green color.
- Magenta (M): A purplish-red color.
- Yellow (Y): A bright yellow color.
- Black (K): Key or black ink, used for adding depth and definition.
CMYK values range from 0% (no ink) to 100% (full ink). For instance, pure black is represented as (0%,
0%, 0%, 100%).
How to Convert RGB to CMYK?
The conversion involves several steps:
- Normalize the RGB values by dividing each component by 255.
- Calculate the CMY values:
- Calculate the Key (Black) component:
- Adjust CMY values to account for the Key component:
Convert these fractions to percentages to get the CMYK values.
Conversion Example
Let’s convert RGB (102, 205, 170) to CMYK:
- Normalize RGB:
- Calculate CMY:
- Calculate Key:
- Adjust CMY for Key:
- Convert to percentages:
- C = 50%, M = 0%, Y = 16%, K = 20%
Result: CMYK (50%, 0%, 16%, 20%)
Using Our RGB to CMYK Converter Tool
Our online RGB to HSL Converter Tool simplifies the process with
an intuitive
interface. Here’s how to use it:
- Input RGB Values: Enter the Red, Green and
Blue values in their respective fields.
- Click Convert: Hit the Convert to CMYK button.
- View CMYK Output: Instantly see the corresponding CMYK values in result section.
- Click on the copy icon to copy the CMYK Code.