A Hex code (short for hexadecimal code) is a way to represent colors in digital
systems, commonly used in web design, graphic design, and software development.
Hexadecimal (Hex): A Hex color code is a 6-character string that starts with a #. It is
composed of three 2-character pairs representing the Red, Green, and Blue components. Each pair is a
hexadecimal value (from 00 to FF), which corresponds to values between 0 and 255 in decimal.
FF represents the Red component.
57 represents the Green component.
33 represents the Blue component.
RGB (Red, Green, Blue): The RGB color model represents a color using three values
corresponding to the intensity of Red, Green, and
Blue. Each component can range from 0 to 255.
rgb(255, 87, 51)
255 is the intensity of Red.
87 is the intensity of Green.
51 is the intensity of Blue.
Steps to Convert Hex to RGB
To convert Hex to RGB, follow these steps:
Remove the '#' character: The Hex code starts with a #, so remove it for easier manipulation.
Split the Hex code into three parts: Divide the Hex code into three pairs, each representing the
Red, Green, and Blue
The first two characters represent the Red component.
The next two characters represent the Green component.
The last two characters represent the Blue component.
Convert the Hex values to Decimal: Convert each of the three Hex pairs from hexadecimal to decimal
(base 10).
Output the RGB value: Combine the decimal values to form the RGB format.
Example Conversion
Consider the Hex code #FF5733.
Remove the '#': FF5733
Split the Hex code into three parts:
Red: FF
Green: 57
Blue: 33
Convert each pair from Hex to Decimal:
Red: FF in Hex = 255 in Decimal.
Green: 57 in Hex = 87 in Decimal.
Blue: 33 in Hex = 51 in Decimal.
Resulting RGB value rgb(255, 87, 51)
Some Popular RGBs Code
Browse through this collection of modern colors for your next project.